Well, this is me.

This is my blog, or as I call it, my ‘space to babble’.

I choose to babble here because I’ve needed a space to let the thoughts in my mind roam free, and it usually ends up with me babbling at…I mean TO my friends…diaries and journals don’t work for me, I’ve tried them but I don’t keep them up to date. But I’m on a computer every day, so why not post them here, and share those thoughts in a new way whilst getting them across to a wider audience?

I’ll be writing about a wide array of subjects, I’m not really sure that I want to be constricted to one specific subject. I may love the subject, but may not want to write about it all of the time, which I think is okay, a bit of variety never hurt anyone.

So a couple of the things you’ll probably see on my blog could include experiences, as I love trying new things! It’s just so exhilarating going into the unknown! Movies, I am a bit of a movie buff, but also a strong believer that no film has been better than the book yet. I can be a bit of a book worm, if I get into a book, you’ve got little hope of grabbing my attention. If I try any new foods or restaurants I may write about them, food is another love of mine, although I have to be in the mood to cook a meal. I do love going to restaurants though, I go to a new one at least once a month with a few friends. I love music, checking out the newest music around has become a bit of a weekly ritual, and play the ukulele from time to time.

I can also be described as a bit of a geek at times! Not the generic stereotypical geek (in the sense that I don’t wear glasses, I’m not socially awkward, I’m not pale from too many nights in playing games etc.) but that being said I am a lover of technology. I’m an IT Technician so if I didn’t…what am I doing in that profession, Oh, did I mention I work at an architectural firm? I have a strong interest in architecture which grows while I’m at work. Another ‘geeky side’ of me is the fact that I like to play on my PS3 (yeah, it’s not an xbox) as often as I can. I’m a massive fan of assassins creed, GTA, sleeping dogs and little big planet to name a few. I also LOVE marvel!! And superman…comics and superheroes in general.

I like to have a drink or two when the occasion presents itself as well, I’m quite keen on trying new drinks and cocktails.

I think I’ll let you find out more about me as I write more posts, if you fancy it. If you’re a fan of babbling, hearing about peoples experiences, a movie buff, Β bookworm, foodie, lover of music, fellow geek, an IT technician, lover of technology, have an interest in architecture, comics, computer games and/or superheroes…then watch this space and feel free to comment or like this blog if you fancy it.

So who is the person behind the random thoughts which are spewed across the keyboard of this piece of internet space? Did I not introduce myself? I’m sorry, that was rather rude of me (I’m big on manners and politeness) my name is Jade, it’s nice to meet you.


10 thoughts on “Well, this is me.

  1. I found it! I found your blog! Looking forward to your next posts! πŸ™‚ We have a few interests in common like being a geek, loving to read, liking superheroes…and I’d love to hear/read what you’ll be babbling about next!


    1. I’m really glad that you found it! Oh yay, hi fellow superhero loving geek πŸ˜€ What sort of books do you like to read? If you had to pick a genre? Thank you, I’m sure I’ll be babbling away again very soon πŸ™‚


      1. Definitely fantasy/sci-fi! I’m reading His Dark Materials right now. I really loved Before Ever After by Samantha Sotto, too. I’ve recently just made some time again to read. Before that, I hadn’t read in ages! How about you? What are you reading right now? πŸ™‚


      2. Aha, I read sci-fi/fantasy as well. I’m currently trying to mix it up a bit by trying different genres, so at the moment I’m reading a book called Straight talking by Jane Green, a girly read in every sense it seems so far. About a womans love life, but it’s been written in such a way that the character seems to be talking directly to the reader, saying things like “I’m not sure if I trust you enough to tell you about that”. Quite nice to experience this style of writing.
        Have you read the Poison, Magic and Fire study series by Maria V. Snyder? Well worth a read! Ditto with recently making more time to read!


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